Intro to the rants

I thought it time to begin my own blog.

Many of you maybe familiar with the blog my wife and I share( which is dedicated to updates on the happenings of our family. This blog's sole purpose will be different in that it will (hopefully) allow me to write my thoughts, philosophies, frustrations and anything that I find interesting or important freely. While the other blog is truly something that allows our family and friends to continue to be involved in our life this blog will be, as the title suggests rants; Or snippets into my mind.

I like to think myself a realist, but have been called a cynic, or a pessimist. I write what I see or experience, sometime without consideration of some who are emotionally invested in a situation. I do not mention this because I lack faith in who I am, or who I have been created to be, but as a warning. Some of what I say may offend you. For that I apologize. I truly do not seek to offend, or write merely to "rock the boat" but to stir up thoughtful and authentic consideration; or as a friend recently mentioned, "to lift your blindfold."

I ask that as you read this blog, you attempt to clear your mind of any preconceptions or philosophies that you may have and thoughtfully assess my words. As my title quote mentions, I ask that you judge my rants based off of your own humble assessment of my thoughts.

As another request, I ask that you engage with me in this project. I am a full believer that a church community requires active involvement of all members. In order for that to exist a healthy, committed and authentic conversation needs to happen. This does not mean that you simply attack what I have to say with the intention of shifting my philosophies, but that you allow for dialog as a brother (or sister) in Christ. If you disagree with me give reason and I will respectfully respond.

Remember that Without Love We Perish

"Error never shows itself in its NAKED REALITY, in order not to be discovered. On the contrary, it dresses elegantly, so that the unwary maybe led to believe that it is more truthful than truth itself." - Irenaeus of Lyons