Great Pacific Garbage Patch

In May of this year I was required to write a research paper based off of what I felt was one of the greatest issues facing our world today. Barring over-population and consequently over-consumption (come on people, really you need to stop having so many babies, we dont have that much food),religious/political wars and global warming I decided to focus on our plastic garbage. Many of us have began following the "Green revolution" by using reusable plastic bags and water bottles, as well as limiting our single use plastic use. But many of us do not understand the complexities for why we limit those things other than it is good for our communities. My paper (if you wish to read it I can send it to you) focused on the finacial and environmental impact plastics have in hopes of bringing light to the issue of the longivity of plastic life. Part of my research focused on what is known as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch (or gyre)".

This morning I was listening to NPR and they had researchers who have just returned from the garbage patch and were discussing their findings as well as solutions to limiting plastic waste. Listen to it (below).

Hopefully you will feel encouraged to change your lifestyle for the sake of our oceans.

1 comment:

HIGH TIDE said...

In your finding what did you find to be a practical solution? For me I can get a nalgene and what have you but that won't solve the problem at large, or will it?

Nice article by the way.

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